
The blog is a showcase for class 1c students' work in their English lessons and at home. Give them a thumbs up and a favourable comment if you like it!

środa, 11 lutego 2015

Descriptionof a Decade - the New Millennium by Jakub B.

Description of a Decade - the Noughties by Paulina and Zosia

Description of a Decade - the 40's by Robert M. and Wiktoria K.

Description of a Decade - the 20's of 21st century by Karolina D.

Description of a Decade - the 70's by Krzysiek W. and Maciej S.

Description of a Decade - The 30's by Tomasz M.

Wedding Venue Brochure 5

Wedding Venue Brochure 4

Wedding Venue Brochure 3

Wedding Venue Brochure 2

Wedding Venue - Brochure 1